Magnum P.I. Cast and Crew Jacket,1980s,Embroidered on Back with Magnum Logo,Dark Blue Satin Jacket,Made By Wise Guys of Burbank, Embroidered Signature of Tom Selleck ,THANKS,TOM SELLECK,,,,Very Rare Crew Jacket,the First time i saw Tom and Photographed him was in 1985 at a function at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles,saw him many more times afterwords at Award Shows and Movie Premiers in Hollywood,DaveK
14 years ago
Hi DaveK thank you for this site. I have a Magnum PI jacket and have been wondering about it. It has the Tom Selleck autograph embroidered over and the label is Gary Mandel Beverly Hills.
ReplyDeleteIt was a gift to me in 86' . I love it but never worn it.
Gary Mandel did crew jackets also and Tom Selleck probobly made a crew jacket for each season of the show,i know he made Belt Buckles from Al Shelton of studio city too as gifts,,,,Davek
ReplyDeleteI was on the show for five years and have the jacket pictured. There was only one jacket (style) and everyone got one upon joining the show with a warm welcome from Tom. There was a second jacket done by Bobby Williams (AD) and Jimmy Thompson (John Hillermans stand in and a great artist) that was a "private" issue to crew members who wanted to chip in to pay for its creation. It was absolutely beautiful depicting a large dragon holding some film reels and the name MAGNUM PI all nicely embroidered. My Al Shelton sterling silver Magnum buckle is in my desk drawer!
ReplyDeleteI’m so excited to found the site I have a satin jacket that’s from the show from 83/84. Are used to work in the sound department at Universal when the show was made and it was gifted to me from the sound crew I don’t see any tags inside and I wish it was autographed by Mr. Selleck but I still treasure it always and it has my name embroidered on it